Sunday, July 27, 2014

Challenge 1 : Art Warrior Personification

Let's make this first challenge a fun opening to the war.

Reinvent yourself as an "Art Warrior".  You can interpret what that is, however you wish, doesn't have to be an armor clad knight thing.  If you enjoy playing MMORPG's, or turn base RPGs and the like, you might enjoy this in customizing yourself with a class type or inventing your own.  You will also need to use/incorporate at least one of your weakness' in it in some form/manner (maybe you battling it off in some way, or just having it around).  It does not have to be a direct self portrait of yourself, if you wish to draw yourself as an animal/anthro, or some other species, or even the opposite gender, you can, reinvent yourself however you see fit or wish to have for your Art Warrior Avatar.   No plain standing poses for the final image, try to make it as dynamic and alive as you can!  Go crazy!

Bonus (optional)
Try doing it in the style of a video game.  Not the concept art style itself that you'd get in art books, but the actual in-game play style/look, so if it's pixel art like Darkstalkers and Street Fighter, then do that, if in 3D game style like a Zelda game or something like Okami, then try that.

Deadline:  Monday, August 7th, 12AM PST



Ok, the war doesn't OFFICIALLY begin, until August 1st (which is why the deadline to this challenge is two weeks away than one), but I'm giving you guys a head start for the first challenge to play around with on the art warrior thing, and while we have extra time, I'm also giving you an extra little "mission" to do before we really get going into the challenges.

What I need you to do, is to gather images you've made that show what you believe to be your best that have elements of your weakness in it, and post them here (you can post them, and your first challenge entry together in one post).  This'll be your personal standard/bar we'll be looking at in final judging at the very end, to see how much you've improved over it.

And, as a reminder (if you haven't read the guidelines), it is highly recommended that you try thinking up of challenges to make ahead of time before it's your turn to put up the next challenge.  That way, the challenge can be set up and started at the very beginning of the week, so everyone can use the most of their time completing it (since some who have limited time, really need all they can get), rather than having time cut short due to the challenge maker being unprepared.  It will be decided later who will go up next to make a challenge after this one (unless one of you volunteers to go next first), then we'd go in a turn circle from there.  As a future notice, if anyone is having trouble coming up with a challenge to give, and their turn will be soon, contact me (either via DA notes or catch me on Skype), and I'll do my best to help out so things continue running smooth.
