This isn't a competition about ones current skill level and ability, it is a competition to complete a series of challenges over a time period in aims of gaining the most improvement out of everyone, to win. So hard work and diligence to improve is most rewarded in this war, no matter the skill level.
Run-Time Date
The challenge will start and run from:
???? 2014 - ????? 2015 12AM PST
About Challenges
Each challenge will be exactly a week long, resulting in 21 challenges total. Every week, a new individual will have to put out a new challenge they make. Everyone will have a total of 5 challenges to make through the war (unless this changes for some unknown reason). Each challenge must incorporate at least one weakness into the challenge that is set up (or at least leave it open ended enough for others to incorporate a weakness into it). Those who did not make the challenge do not have to stick to working on that one weakness alone, if they so wish to try to tackle more than one of their weakness' into the challenge, they may, as long as it meets to the challenges requirements/rules.
If it is your turn to make a challenge for the next week, it is highly recommended that you have it all ready and planned to post, once the current challenge is over, so others are not in wait to begin and time isn't cut short for the weeks challenge. The challenger is not exempt from participating in the week they make a challenge, everyone must participate.
During normal weekly challenges, there maybe "Wildcard" challenges that may pop up during the week (see below).
After each challenge, warriors will be able to garner points that will count in the final judging and can be used for mini-rewards (which is explained in their separate sections).
Challengers may also make bonus requirements that'll be a boost of end points if fulfilled. (Note: A challenger can only make one bonus point requirement! However, it maybe a multiple choice requirement to gain that extra point.)
The final challenge will be announced when closer to the start of the final week.
It is encouraged (but not required), that after the end of each challenge, that each art warrior will look over others entries, analyze, and make suggestions in the entries comments, or constructive criticism, in what the person can do or try next time in improving. This is encouraged on the basis that it helps exercise your mind and eye in analyzing work to spotting things and thinking up of solutions, that may even help you in spotting your own faults and weakness to try and work on and think solutions over, or even help in seeing solutions from your competitors works that you can try yourself.
Each weekly challenge will end on Mondays, 12AM PST and a new one begin (hopefully) each Monday.
Wildcard Challenges
Wildcard challenges are extra challenges one can do that come up certain days/months that are widely known art challenges in a way. These will give more points than normal for the completion of these challenges.
Wildcard Challenges Known (so far):
24 Hour Comics Day October 4th 2014 (it is not required to register for the points, just as long as you post your work that day to show you did participate, is good enough)
OC.tober - All of October (to be explained later if no one knows)
Point System
At the completion of each challenge, those who complete the challenges standard will receive one point upon completion. If not completed challenges standard, it will negate 2 points from your stats. To garner more than just the standard point, you can earn more by either; A) Doing more than the completion of the challenges standard (which will give you 2+ more points), and/or B) Doing twice as much as the challenges standard (which will give 4 points than the standard 1, it is not an addition as A is).
To fulfill A's requirement for points, you'll have to do practice images, concept sketches, ect, that pertain to the weeks challenge, than just simply doing a single picture fulfillment only.
B's requirements is just as it says, do double than what the challenge asks, such as if it asks for a single illustrative picture with a city background in the rain at night, you do two of those, than one. HOWEVER, in order to have it fully count, you do have to fulfill A's requirements. No skipping steps.
Bonus' (if made) will be an extra point. Please note, that a challenger can only make one bonus point requirement.
Wildcard Challenges will be 10 points extra if done and completed.
Points are counted within the stats page (in depth) and on the side of the blog (a quick total view), and can be used only once for rewards/prizes.
These points, as mentioned in Challenges section, will also count in the final judging in determining who the winners are. Whatever points you use for rewards, will not negate what you have gained that will count for the final judging (the only thing that will officially negate points from counting in final judging, or ability to earn certain prizes before available points are used, is when a warrior doesn't at least complete a challenges standard). So working hard for a little extra points is worth to do for those points (and of course, a little extra hard work will help boost in your overall improvements as well for the final judgement, it's a win/win).
Final Judging
Final judging will be based on several categories in point rating your improvement over time. Those categories are:
- Technical : Which will be looking at such improvements in anatomy, perspective, line/paint quality/work, composition, accuracy.
- Aesthetic : Which will look at your improvement and ability in using light, colors, and shadows, as well as composition, in how you put it all together.
- Creativity : How much you've tried doing new things (to you) and how you've experimented and used colors, light, composition, ect in different (if not, interesting) ways. (things like character interactions, creatures, scary things, that's in some's weakness, will count in here too)
- Medium : How much you've improved in using a tool, may it be digital, traditional, whatever.
Everyone will have a scoring sheet to make on each individual (but themselves). So trust is given that each warrior will make it fair to the best of their ability/knowledge.
Rewards & Prizes
This can be seen in the Spoils of War
About Posting
Each competitor is responsible for posting their own weekly entries. It is important to state and talk about what weakness' you specifically tried to tackle (if you tried beyond the challenges standard).
It is not necessary to wait till the end of the week to post your entry, if you finish early, you may post whenever, as long as you post before the deadline. You are also allowed to start an entry post, and edit and add your progress to it as you go along through the week. It is not required that everything must be finished before posting.
If it's going to be your turn soon in making a challenge, and you know what to do and put down (but may not have the time to do and put up when it should be), you can make it ahead of time, and set it on a schedule of when it will be released to be posted to the right of the edit screen when making a blog post.
You do not have to host your images on an off site location before posting, I made this account separately from my personal one, just for this challenge, to allow you to use up the accounts storage image space for the art war.
If there are any questions or confusion, send a note to my DA account "Heiros" (or catch me on Skype if you can).
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